keskiviikko 19. elokuuta 2015

Summary practice

Now you will get to practise making a summary orally. 
  1. Go here and choose one interesting article. All of the articles deal with hidden thoughts of one member of a particular professional/ideological/other group. Make sure you and your friend choose different articles.
  2. Read the article through carefully. If there are words or structures you don't understand, look them up or ask.
  3. Write down a couple of main points that you should definitely mention in a summary of this article.
  4. Based on these, summarize the main content of the article to your friend.
Post a comment using your school account through clicking the link "Ei kommentteja", writing your comment in the text box and pressing "Publish".

5 kommenttia:

  1. So I read an article named: What I'm really thinking: the careers adviser. I think it is kind of realistic because the whriter told in the text that career advisors aren't gods or computers that make desicions for you. You have to make your own choices but advisor just helps you think realistically about your job that you are trying to get in.

  2. I read about a woman wears a hijab. She doesn't like that people think she's a terrorist just because she wears a hijab. In reality she is just like any other woman.

  3. I read about a DJ of a gay sex club. He/She didn't like his/her job. He/She didn't want the music to be drowned out by sounds of sex.

  4. I read an article named: What I’m really thinking: the understudy. The article is realistic because they are writing about drinking in swanky bars with other artistes and smoking weed and just having fun time. Those understudy guys are just helping real actors when they are sick. The deputies are always ready.

    -Panu Ylén

  5. I read about the DJ who worked in a gay sex club. The DJ didn't like the workplace, because no one listened to the music he provided. The DJ probably felt very lonely, since no one listened to his music, because of the environment.
