torstai 27. elokuuta 2015


A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect.
I have my pride and will not sink to your standards

Blinded by pride

Once upon a time there were two kingdoms. Their kings were called Erkki and Pasi. Erkki liked to do his hair troweled back and Pasi forward. Once Pasi insulted Erkkis hairstyle. Erkki went home heartbroken and he was wondering what to do. After wondering a while, Erkki turned to his knights and told them to start a war. He was too proud to admitting this insult.

The following day Pasi looked down from his castle and saw Erkkis knights running towards his kingdom. He was wondering how he could defend himself and his people. Pasi seemed to be scared. Pasi thought that Erkki must have hurt his own feelings because of Pasis insult. Erkkis knights pillaged village that surrounds Pasis castle. Pasi got so pissed about it that he decided to fight back. So he called his knights to respond the attack.

After a year of fighting Jesus came down from the Heavens to help the kings. Jesus told the kings that he was there to help and end the war. Both of the kings told Jesus to F off, because they were blinded by their pride. They didn’t want surrender. Jesus got pissed and smited both of the kingdoms.

Julia Jernvall, Otso Aunola, Jesse Jalonen, Jere Laakkonen & Niklas Åhlgren

2 kommenttia:

  1. Good job, Julia, Otso, Jesse, Jere and Niklas! Starting a full-scale war over a debate about hairstyles, that really is one proud king!

    A couple of errors corrected:
    - Erkki liked to do his hair troweled back and Pasi forward- > Erkki liked to wear his hair COMBED back, whereas Pasi COMBED it forward
    - He was too proud to admitting this insult -> He was too proud to TAKE/ACCEPT this insult.
    - Erkkis knights -> Erkki's knights
    - Pasis insult -> Pasi's insult
    - Erkkis knights pillaged village that surrounds Pasis castle -> Erkki's knights pillaged THE village that surroundED Pasi's castle
    - pissed -> angry, mad, upset
    - to F off -> to leave, to mind his own business...
    - They didn't want surrender -> They didn't want to surrender
    - got pissed -> got angry
    - smited -> smote *smite, smote, smitten*

    Well done!

  2. Nice work guys, really enjoyed your story! :)))
