torstai 17. syyskuuta 2015

How to argue terribly

  1. Appeal to bandwagon (Miska and Miiko)
    • Bad arguments:
      • You should buy an iPhone because everyone else has one.
      • You should smoke because all the cool kids do it.
      • You shouldn’t wear a helmet because other people don’t.
    • Good arguments:
      • You should go to school because everyone else does.
      • You should eat because everyone alive eats.
      • You should brush your teeth because everyone with good oral hygiene does it.
  2. Appeal to irrelevant authority (Julia and Aino)
    • Bad arguments:
      • People in medieval times said that they had witnessed witchcraft so it has to be true.
      • Because the bible says world was created by God it has to be true.
      • Santa Claus is real because everyone knows him.
    • Good arguments:
      • We know that the earth is round because we’ve seen it from space.
      • Finland is a bilingual country because it was once part of Sweden.
      • 9/11 really happened because a lot of people were there to witness it.
3. No true Scotsman (Luka, Nikolas, Otso)
    • Bad arguments:
      • No true fan of metal listens electronic music. 
      • No true patriot has ever committed a crime.
      • Only true believers can get to heaven.  
    • Good arguments:
      • A true weapon causes destruction.
      • A true country is recognised by other countries.  
      • A true doctor has been taught how to help people.
     4. Hasty generalization (Atte and Kasper

    • Bad arguments:
      • VR is always late because 2 people said so.
      • School chairs are comfortable because we like them.
      • All politicians are corrupted because one news article said so.
    • Good arguments:
      • Drugs are bad for you because they make you go crazy.
      • Exercises are good for you because they help to learn.
      • Sleeping is good for you because it scientifically proven to be helpful organize new things you have learned.
4. Hasty generalization (Jesse and Gibriil)

    • Bad arguments:
      • My teacher is annoying. Therefore, all teachers are annoying.
      • I have seen only fat Americans. Therefore all Americans are fat.
      • My Finnish friend drinks a lot of coffee. Therefore all Finns drink coffee.
    • Good arguments:
      • Finland consumes the most coffee in the world per capita, therefore we can assume that most Finns drink coffee.
      • Estonia is the biggest alcohol consumer in the world, therefore we can assume Estonians drink quite much alcohol.
      • In Iceland there are the most cannabis smokers per capita. Therefore we can assume that a lot of cannabis is consumed in Iceland.

      5. Appeal to Ignorance (Eric and Jere)
    • Bad Arguments:
      • Look at that commercial, it has an awesome looking burger in it. It must be like that in the restaurants.
      • There is an object in the sky! It must be an UFO.
      • The ratings said that movie is really good. It must be, because of the rating.
    • Good Arguments:
      • I can run very fast. I have tested it.
      • There is a garbage collector on the streets. He must be environmentally aware.
      • The outside is very foggy. It must be moist.
5. Appeal to Ignorance (Julia, Sonata and Camilla)
    • Bad arguments
      • Have you ever seen a McDonald’s be built? Neither have we - so it’s obviously…

      • Why is Donald Trump winning the election in the USA this year? Nobody is actually voting for him, so it must be…

      • Why is Johanna Tukiainen famous? Nobody knows, so of course the answer is...

    • Good arguments
      • Why is Justin Bieber so famous? The world is full of weird people called…

      • Why on Earth is Kim Kardashian famous? Well it’s because of her…
6. Argument from Consequences (Egor and Ahmed)

    • Bad arguments: 
      • If we stop eating meat animals will stop dying.
      • If we wouldn’t have laws life would be easy.
      • If we would stop using renewable energy we would make our planet cleaner.
    • Good arguments:
      • If we wouldn’t go to school we would be uneducated. 
      • If we wouldn’t have jobs people would steal.
      • If we wouldn’t have internet we couldn’t contact people from another side of the planet.

7. Not a cause for a cause (Asmaa and Seyda)

    • Bad arguments:
      • I  couldn’t come to school, because my socks  colour didn’t match.
      • I didn’t study for exams, because I didn’t have time.
      • Why didn’t you answer to my calls? I was too lazy to answer to the phone
    • Good arguments:
      • I was sick, therefore I couldn’t come to school.
      • I want a good job, therefore I study.
      • I didn’t go to shop, because I couldn’t find my wallet.

perjantai 28. elokuuta 2015

Speech titles, deadline this Friday!

You will write a speech of 150-250 words for next Friday. After I have read them, you will present them in small groups. Check for tips on writing a speech on p. 116.

Write your essay on a Google document and share it with me at sanna.tarvainen (at) The deadline is this Friday! Do not hand in your essay late. Every day your essay is late will lower your essay score by ten points. For example: if you hand in the essay two days late and your essay deserves 72 points (that's 7+), your score will be 62 points because it was handed in late. So be on time!!

Here are the titles.

1) It is your best friend's wedding. Write a speech where you congratulate the happy couple.

2) Stop bullying  (yo 2014)
Your school has launched a campaign against bullying. As the chair of the student council, you have been asked to give a talk about the issue in English at your school, which has a number of exchange students. Write an opening speech for the campaign.

3) Chalk and Talk or More Modern Technology? (yo2012)
You have been invited to give the students’ point-of-view in a youth delegation discussing what makes good teaching. Are traditional methods, like blackboards and exercise books, enough, or do we need the latest gadgets? Write your speech.

4) It is your 18th birthday and your friends have thrown you a surprise party. Write a speech where you thank your guests and share your feelings on this special day.

torstai 27. elokuuta 2015


strong, stern, or fierce anger; deeply resentful indignation; ire.
vengeance or punishment as the consequence of anger.
Archaic. wroth.

There was a student. He had read to a test for a week. On the exam day he was late for 1 minute but the teacher didn’t let him in. He started raging and the teacher told him to calm down. He told her that he had read to the test for a week. The teacher was wondering whether to let him inside. She didn’t let him inside. The student was thinking what to do. He was chosen by Satan to break all the windows. The next day the principal told him that he’s expelled. He seems to be dead because he is believed to have committed a suicide.

Miiko, Egor, Santtu, 



  Greed is excessive or rapacious desire especially for whealth of possessions.

Once upon of time there was a man who was known to be greedy and selfish. One day the mans wife told her husband to go to buy them food for dinner. So the man went. As he got to the store he was filled with greed as he saw the shelves full of delicous food and ingredients. His trolley was full with stuff he didn’t need. One of the cashiers saw the man wondering around with the full trolley and asked him “ Sir, do you really need all of that food?”. The man got very angry and spat to the woman to mind her own business. He paid and left the store. He felt himself content and peaceful. As he walked out of the store the man came across a homeless man. The man looked at the homeless man in disgust. The homeless man saw the mans bags full of fresh food and begged him “Please good sir share me a part of your delicious and fresh food I haven’t eaten in days”. The man laughed and said “To a filth like yourself? Never in a million years”. The greedy man walked away from the homeless man. On his way home the man decides to cross a busy road. The lights are red for him but he ignores them and start to cross the road. Out of nowhere a red truck appears infront of him. The car hits the man and he flies through the air. Later that day he wakes up in the hospital with a broken leg and three fractured ribs. His wife rushes to his side annoyed and says “You almost lost your life due to your greedy manners! You should be grateful to be alive!”. The man realises how wrong his ways were and tries to make a change.

Atte, Juulia, Camilla, Era, Gigbril


a person who eats and drinks excessively or voraciously.
a person with a remarkably great desire or capacity for something:
a glutton for work; a glutton for punishment.
-          -

King of the England, Henrik VIII, was very gluttonous man. He always ate and drank too much. He also got married 6 times, and changed the church of England – so he was able to get married and divorced, of course. When the clergyman who was in charge of England’s religion told him he can’t get divorced, he told him that they are going to change their church to Anglican one. His dream was to have a son, but why he never got one, he didn’t know. It’s told that when he got older, he started eating more and more, mostly just meat.  He got overweight and he couldn’t walk anymore.  When he died, all his enemies said: “It was the God who punished him.”

Hilla, Joni, Sanni, Ahmed & Ouli


A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect.
I have my pride and will not sink to your standards

Blinded by pride

Once upon a time there were two kingdoms. Their kings were called Erkki and Pasi. Erkki liked to do his hair troweled back and Pasi forward. Once Pasi insulted Erkkis hairstyle. Erkki went home heartbroken and he was wondering what to do. After wondering a while, Erkki turned to his knights and told them to start a war. He was too proud to admitting this insult.

The following day Pasi looked down from his castle and saw Erkkis knights running towards his kingdom. He was wondering how he could defend himself and his people. Pasi seemed to be scared. Pasi thought that Erkki must have hurt his own feelings because of Pasis insult. Erkkis knights pillaged village that surrounds Pasis castle. Pasi got so pissed about it that he decided to fight back. So he called his knights to respond the attack.

After a year of fighting Jesus came down from the Heavens to help the kings. Jesus told the kings that he was there to help and end the war. Both of the kings told Jesus to F off, because they were blinded by their pride. They didn’t want surrender. Jesus got pissed and smited both of the kingdoms.

Julia Jernvall, Otso Aunola, Jesse Jalonen, Jere Laakkonen & Niklas Åhlgren



-  ​Unwillingness to ​work or make any ​effort

Once upon a time there was a man who was wondering what to do while he was lying on the couch and watching television. Suddenly he realized it was fun and decided that he was going to stay there forever. His mother came into the room and told his son to get up but he wouldn’t. The mother wondered what had gone into him, he used to be so energetic and active. Even though he wasn’t doing anything, he seemed to be happy. Until to this day he is believed to be lying on that same couch and watching that same television channel.

Sonata,  Kasper, Seyda, Aino